進口自力式調節(jié)閥-德國原裝品牌壓力 溫度 自力式流量調節(jié)閥廠家
進口自力式調節(jié)閥-德國原裝品牌壓力 溫度 自力式流量調節(jié)閥廠家
進口自力式調節(jié)閥-德國原裝品牌壓力 溫度 自力式流量調節(jié)閥廠家
進口自力式調節(jié)閥-德國原裝品牌壓力 溫度 自力式流量調節(jié)閥廠家
進口自力式調節(jié)閥-德國原裝品牌壓力 溫度 自力式流量調節(jié)閥廠家
進口自力式調節(jié)閥-德國原裝品牌壓力 溫度 自力式流量調節(jié)閥廠家






聯系人 方同 經理


發(fā)貨地 廣東省深圳市


手機掃碼 快速查看


訂貨號 SKU17007
加工定制 定制
貨號 17007
品牌 德國HANK
型號 SC4000
材質 碳鋼、不銹鋼
連接形式 螺紋、法蘭
公稱通徑 DN20-DN300
適用介質 水、油、氣
壓力環(huán)境 常壓
工作溫度 常溫
流動方向 單向
驅動方式 自力式
零部件及配件 閥瓣
形態(tài) 調節(jié)型
4、調壓閥通徑過大(DN≥100 時),應有固定支架。
7、閥在蒸汽或高粘度液體介質中使用時,通常自力式調節(jié)閥為倒立安裝在水平管上,冷凝器(蒸汽用自力式)應高于調壓閥的執(zhí)行機構而低于閥前后接管。使用前冷凝器應灌滿冷水,以后約 3個月灌水一次。
Self-regulating valve without additional energy, the use of the media itself as the power source, the introduction of the actuator control spool position, change the pressure and flow at both ends of the bend, so that the valve before (or valve) pressure stability. Germany Hank (HANK) self-regulating valve with action sensitive, good sealing, pressure set point wave power is small, widely used in gas, liquid and steam medium pressure regulator or pressure regulator automatic control.
Main classification
1, the direct role of regulating valve
Also known as the spring-loaded control valve, the structure of the elastic components: such as springs, bellows, bellows-style package, the use of elastic force and feedback signal balance principle.
2, indirect acting control valve
Added a pilot (pilot valve) which acts to amplify the feedback signal and then through the actuator to drive the main valve flap to achieve the purpose of changing the valve opening.
If the pressure regulating valve, the feedback signal is the valve outlet pressure, through the signal tube into the implementing agencies.
In the case of a flow control valve, there is an orifice plate (or other resistance means) at the outlet of the valve which is introduced into the actuator by removing the differential pressure signal from both ends of the orifice plate.
If it is a temperature control valve, the valve outlet has a temperature sensor (or temperature package) through the temperature sensor medium thermal expansion and contraction drive actuator.
Installation Precautions
1, the valve in the gas or low viscosity liquid medium used, usually self-regulating valve for the vertical installation of the horizontal tube, when the location space is not allowed when the flip or ramp loading.
2, in order to facilitate on-site maintenance and operation, pressure regulator should be left around the appropriate space.
3, when the medium is clean gas or liquid, the valve before the filter may not be installed.
4, the regulator valve diameter is too large (DN ≥ 100 hours), should have a fixed bracket.
5, the position is not allowed, the bypass valve (manual) can be omitted (we do not recommend).
6, after the valve group according to the needs of users optional check valve, safety valve.

7, the valve in the steam or high viscosity liquid medium, usually self-regulating valve for inverted installation in the horizontal tube, the condenser (steam with self-type) should be higher than the regulator valve actuator and lower than the valve before and after the tube The Before use the condenser should be filled with cold water, after about 3 months irrigation time.

Phone: +86 (0) 755 / 83330270-400

Mobile: +86 (0) 13691839789

Fax: +86 (0)755 / 83330270 - 408

E-Mail: sales@hankchina.com、fang.tong@hankchina.com


德國漢克(HANK)成立于1852年創(chuàng)建于門興格拉德巴赫(Monchengladbach)是位于德國北萊茵-威斯特法倫州首府杜塞爾多夫市以西的一座城市。于19世紀50年代初德國經濟快速發(fā)展,由于德國能源短缺,政府在節(jié)能方面加大力度,因此HANK(Trouble Less valve沒有故障的閥門)公司成立。漢克閥門是以生產高品質、先進的泵、閥、管件、測量及控制系統而享譽全球的跨國性生產企業(yè),在全球幾十個國家擁有子公司及分支機構,公司產品涉及用途:石油、化工、電力、冶金、制藥、食品、水處理、市政給排水、天然氣、造紙、電子工業(yè)、樓宇、機械設備配套等領域。

GERMANY HANK VALVE LIMITED is founded on 1852 in Monchengladbach,which is located at one city in North Rhine in Germany, which is the west of Nordrhein-Westfalen. At the beginning of 1850s, as the rapid development of economic and the shortages of energy in Germany , the government had been in saving energy aspect. On this occasion, HANK Valve (Trouble Less Valve) was established.Hank valve is the world-famous transnational production enterprise,which produces high quality and advanced valve, measurement and control system, and which has its divisions and branches in dozens of countries in the global. The company products user involves the petroleum, the chemical industry, the electric power, the metallurgy, the drugs manufacture, food, the water treatment, the municipal administration to give draining water, the natural gas, the papermaking, the electronics industry, the building, the mechanical device necessary ect..


The conclusion of the valve concept in German Hank valve is resposibility,foresight,innovation. For ourselves resposibility, foresight and focusing on creating unprecendented solution and concept,our company has become the lead of valve manufacturer in the global.

公司名稱 深圳市凱士比閥門有限公司
聯系賣家 方同 (QQ:1246775303)
電話 莵莽莻莻-莺莸莹莶莵莺莹莶
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傳真 莵莽莻莻-莺莸莹莶莵莺莹莶
地址 廣東省深圳市