主營產(chǎn)品: 護坡模具
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人字骨架護坡模具 人字骨架護坡鋼模具
人字骨架護坡模具 人字骨架護坡鋼模具大多用于現(xiàn)澆生產(chǎn)的鋼模具有所類似,但因為此類模具體型較大,重量也相對更重,往往都是采用立模的形式進行生產(chǎn)那,直接在挖好的溝槽里面進行現(xiàn)場使用。這種模具通常是由內模和外模兩個部分構成的,每套模板由8塊組成,由多塊鋼板構成,一般與內模間隔10cm~20cm,以保證產(chǎn)出拱形骨架的壁厚足夠,因此在操作中往往需要先組裝拱形骨架模具,在安裝時需要使用電動扳手,使螺絲連接得更加緊密,各塊鋼板間不留有縫隙,以免注入混凝土后出現(xiàn)漏漿的情況,Herringbone skeleton slope protection mould the steel mould of herringbone skeleton slope protection is mostly used in cast-in-place production, but because of the large size and relatively heavy weight of such mould, it is often produced in the form of vertical mould, which is directly used in the excavated trench on site. This kind of mould is usually composed of internal mould and external mould. Each set of mould is composed of 8 pieces, which are made of many steel plates. The interval between each set of mould and internal mould is generally 10cm ~ 20cm, so as to ensure that the wall thickness of the arch skeleton is enough. Therefore, it is often necessary to assemble the arch skeleton mould first in operation, and an electric wrench is needed in installation to make the screws more closely connected, and there is no left between each steel plate The gap, in order to avoid the leakage of slurry after the concrete injection, affects the
production of the prefabricated parts of the retaining plate, and then evenly spray the release agent in the mold. Attention shall be paid to the preparation of concrete according to the scientific proportion in advance, and the concrete mixer shall be used to mix evenly. After the release agent is brushed, it can be injected into the herringbone skeleton slope protection mold In the process of concrete injection, the workers may use the shovel to cooperate with them because the mold length is longer, and if the concrete flow is not good enough, it may not be evenly distributed and affect the quality of the products. After the completion of grouting, the vibrating rods will be used to force bubbles out, waiting for the concrete to solidify naturally.影響擋土板預制件的制作,然后在模具內均勻地噴涂脫模劑。注意要提前按照科學的比例調配混凝土,并使用混凝土攪拌機攪拌均勻,刷好脫模劑后就可以注入到人字骨架護坡模具 人字骨架護坡鋼模具中了,注意在注入混凝土的過程中可能需要工人使用鐵鍬加以配合,因為此類模具長度較長,混凝土流動性如果不夠好可能難以均勻分布,影響產(chǎn)品質量,注漿完成后使用振動棒將氣泡逼出,等待混凝土自然凝固就可以了。