







聯(lián)系人 孫順


發(fā)貨地 北京市昌平區(qū)


手機(jī)掃碼 快速查看


品牌 進(jìn)口蓄電池德國陽光
型號 A412/180A
測量范圍 長寬高
重量 70
外形尺寸 518*274*238
測量精度 mm
分辨率 0.1
電源電壓 12
貨號 323333
規(guī)格 12v180ah



德國陽光 股份 集團(tuán)(中國)有限公司是從事膠體電池生產(chǎn)銷售的集團(tuán)公司?!暗聡柟夤煞菁瘓F(tuán)”的蓄電池產(chǎn)品是目前世界上好的工業(yè)蓄電池。在中國,德國陽光蓄電池近幾年來一直都占據(jù)國內(nèi)同類產(chǎn)品的市場銷量的位置,這歸因于德國陽光電池現(xiàn)代優(yōu)良的膠體蓄電池是伴隨著密封免維護(hù)蓄電池幾乎同時(shí)問世的。由于已經(jīng)出現(xiàn)的密封電池和新型凝膠劑為陽光公司研制膠體密封蓄電池提供了有利條件。

多年來,他們對膠體電解質(zhì)的配方和各種專門的添加劑在研制、制造和應(yīng)用工藝等領(lǐng)域 不斷地進(jìn)行了研究改進(jìn)。在深入研究中發(fā)現(xiàn),膠體蓄電池具有自放電小、耐深放電性能優(yōu)良、循環(huán)使用壽命長、浮充電壓低、浮充電流小、少維護(hù)、易維護(hù)、無腐蝕、無污染、無氣體外逸,無液體溢出,利于環(huán)保等特點(diǎn)。該公司多年來研制成12V,1Ah直到3000Ah的各種膠體蓄電池,其中有固定型、牽引型、起動(dòng)型等,有涂膏式極板也有管式極板。產(chǎn)品廣泛用于工業(yè),軍事和家用電器中。目前,除德國外,日本、美國等在膠體蓄電池的研制和生產(chǎn)銷售方面也居地位,應(yīng)用十分廣泛。

德國陽光 A400系列蓄電池,新的佳電池規(guī)格A400系列電池有八種不同規(guī)格,其容量從20AH到180AH。 A400系列蓄電池結(jié)構(gòu)獨(dú)特,工作壽命長,適合于浮充應(yīng)用;對于所有這些電池,德國陽光公司將提供適當(dāng)?shù)某潆娂夹g(shù),A400符合DIN,BS和IEC規(guī)范,具有其他品牌電池不可比擬的特點(diǎn):


德國陽光電池A500系列,在環(huán)境溫度為20°C時(shí),可存放2年,產(chǎn)品設(shè)計(jì)壽命達(dá)7年,電池容量從1.2–200 Ah C20;




德國陽光 股份 集團(tuán)(中國)有限公司旗下蓄電池:德國陽光A400  德國陽光A500  德國陽光A602  德國陽光S512  德國陽光OPZV;












北京百晟航科科技有限公司是美國 ExideTechnologies 正式授權(quán)核心代理商。負(fù)責(zé)Exide公司旗下Sonnenschein(德國陽光)及美國GNB閥控式密封鉛酸電池在華東地區(qū)的銷售和售后服務(wù)。凡經(jīng)北京百晟航科經(jīng)銷的Exide產(chǎn)品均可提供原產(chǎn)地證明,并享受Exide公司中國辦事處的原廠保養(yǎng)維護(hù)。



1. 嚴(yán)格按照"產(chǎn)品’三包’服務(wù)范圍"和"售后服務(wù)承諾"對客戶進(jìn)行服務(wù)(詳細(xì)請索取說明書);

2. 對售出的電池我們建立《顧客檔案》,實(shí)行跟蹤服務(wù)。

3. 電池售出后,實(shí)行隨時(shí)電話跟蹤,并執(zhí)行每年至少一次的徹底巡檢(鉛酸系列、膠體系列),并向用戶說明蓄電池目前使用狀況,使之放心使用。

4. 我們的宗旨:發(fā)生顧客投訴時(shí)及時(shí)提供解決方案。包括現(xiàn)場恢復(fù)方案及退貨處理方案,直到顧客滿意。宗旨是用戶使用蓄電池?zé)o后顧之憂。

5. 正常情況下,退回電池在到貨兩周內(nèi)出具檢測報(bào)告,確屬我公司原因我司承擔(dān)責(zé)任;非我公司電池原因,我們出具相應(yīng)報(bào)告,對顧客的使用加以指導(dǎo)。






More and more electric equipment on the car, and more and more electronic components, so the use of battery is more and more, such as the opening of the car's electric door, vehicle electricity, but not start the vehicle, at this time use the vehicle's electric equipment, listen to music, recorder work, charge the mobile phone, open the vehicle. Big lights and so on. These will have an impact on the service life of batteries. Because this time the vehicle does not start, the generator does not work, at this time the use of the battery internal storage of electricity, the use of electrical equipment for a long time, the battery internal storage battery will be used out, this time the thought of starting the vehicle can not start, because the battery has not enough power to bring enough inside the battery to take. The starting motor works.


If the battery's internal power is exhausted, the battery will not be able to store electricity again, so we need to replace the battery. After the vehicle is started, the generator will generate electricity, so the electricity is used by the generator at this time, not the storage of the battery, so it will not damage the battery. Therefore, it is not recommended for individuals to use vehicle electric equipment when vehicle is not started. And now the cost of battery replacement is getting higher and higher, because now many cars are equipped with start stop system. A special AGM battery used in the start and stop system. This battery is more expensive than an ordinary one.

In addition, the battery is a loss product, generally speaking, the battery life in 3 years or so, with good words can be 5 to 6 years, now the car is used to maintain the battery, the bad can only be replaced, can not be repaired. A good battery price is not low, so the proper extension of battery life is to save money. But some bad habits of the car will lead to shorten the service life of the battery. How to extend the service life of battery?


To prolong the life of the battery life is very simple, try to let the battery in the state of full electricity, if this is not good, then try to reduce the unnecessary discharge. After the vehicle is extinguished, do not listen to the radio, see the movie, charge the cell phone, and so on. The car's positioning system, the anti-theft system, and so on, try to go to the 4S store or the regular place. Install it in order to prevent leakage.

Frequent short driving will accelerate the loss of the battery. Because of the frequent short distance driving, the generator can not fully charge the battery, it is also possible to cause the battery feed. If the vehicle is usually used in downtown area, it is recommended to drive more than 30 minutes per 5000KM to the high speed road. Let the generator charge the battery!


Many of them are because the quality of the products is not qualified, resulting in leakage, which leads to battery failure. The insurance point is to install a leak test to the 4S store to see if there is electricity leakage. If the vehicle needs to park for a long time, try to find a spanner to remove the negative pole of the battery.

Long time parking will also damage the battery, the battery is not used in the case of a small amount of consumption, vehicle parking more than 2 months, it is likely to cause electricity depletion, resulting in damage. It is recommended to start the vehicle once every 15 days, so that the generator can charge the battery.


2 years after the use of the battery, to the 4S shop to do maintenance, every time a maintenance technician to test the battery, 4S store by a special test battery quality test instrument, the battery is broken in time to replace, so early detection early prevention.

公司名稱 北京凱力威科技有限公司
聯(lián)系賣家 孫順 (QQ:2532565700)
電話 專将-尋専尋-尅尊射専射將専尊
手機(jī) 専將尅尃尋尋尃尉専専專
傳真 專将尋尅尉専-專尉尉尅尊将尋尃
地址 北京市昌平區(qū)