BRANDplates? microtitration plates offer ideal visual properties and are produced according to ANSI/SLAS standards. They offer excellent flexibility. Only as many cavities as necessary are used. Two versions are available :
Frame without grate:
for processing 12 strips of 8 wells. Individual strips can be removed from the frame and re-inserted. Strips are not separable.
Frame with grate :
also 12 strips of 8 wells. Individual strips can be removed from and re-inserted into the plate. Strips can be divided in up to 8 individual tubes and inserted individually into the frame plate.
They are available as 96-well standard plates as strip plates with immunoGrade? surface – for greater flexibility and optimal results.
pureGrade? medium binding capacity (medium-binding), somewhat more hydrophobic than immunoGrade?
immunoGrade? high binding capacity (high-binding), ideal for IgG and molecules with hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions