迷你接口板Mini ifB采樣裝置英國PPM
迷你接口板Mini ifB采樣裝置英國PPM
迷你接口板Mini ifB采樣裝置英國PPM
迷你接口板Mini ifB采樣裝置英國PPM






聯(lián)系人 馬經(jīng)理 客戶經(jīng)理



發(fā)貨地 河北省保定市


手機(jī)掃碼 快速查看


產(chǎn)品名稱 Mini ifB采樣裝置
品牌 PPM
產(chǎn)地 英國
型號(hào) Mini ifB
模擬分辨率 16 位
電源供電 12v DC
輸入濃度 0-30°C
其他參數(shù) 參考詳情

產(chǎn)品名稱:Mini ifB采樣裝置
型號(hào):Mini ifB

Mini ifB采樣裝置介紹:

PPM Technology 迷你接口板 (m-ifB) 配有內(nèi)置的 Formaldemeter 單元,旨在連接到第三方系統(tǒng)。接口板可配置不同電壓輸出;4-20mA電流輸出,同時(shí)提供繼電器報(bào)警輸出。有多種操作模式可供選擇,以適應(yīng)各種用途、應(yīng)用和情況。
有一個(gè)配置菜單可供用戶選擇輸出類型、操作模式、選擇輸出測試、采樣范圍以及校準(zhǔn) Formaldemeter。該菜單還允許在各種濃度下觸發(fā)內(nèi)置的無電壓繼電器,以便控制外部設(shè)備。

Mini 接口板 (ifB) 配有 Formaldemeter htV,并且經(jīng)過全面校準(zhǔn)并可以使用。只需將外部輸出連接到 mini ifB 并打開即可。

迷你 ifB 可用于三種采樣模式之一:

? 輪詢模式
在此模式下,僅當(dāng)在采樣輸入線上檢測到有效脈沖時(shí)才會(huì)進(jìn)行采樣。如果此時(shí)儀器還沒有充分清理以進(jìn)行采樣,那么采樣將被延遲——一旦儀器準(zhǔn)備好,就會(huì)進(jìn)行采樣。這非常適合與 PLC 或其他基于控制器的系統(tǒng)一起使用,因?yàn)椴蓸勇视奢斎刖€路控制,并且當(dāng)前狀態(tài)可作為輸出線路上的邏輯電平使用。

? 連續(xù)模式
該模式不需要任何外部觸發(fā)進(jìn)行采樣。Formaldemeter 會(huì)盡可能頻繁地取樣。采樣持續(xù)時(shí)間將取決于樣品濃度(更高濃度的樣品將需要更長的時(shí)間來清除并延遲下一個(gè)樣品)。此模式易于設(shè)置,非常適合沒有基于控制器的系統(tǒng)可用且采樣頻率可能變化的應(yīng)用。

? 定時(shí)模式
該模式不需要外部觸發(fā),但與之前的連續(xù)模式不同,它使用內(nèi)部定時(shí)器以設(shè)定頻率觸發(fā)樣本。這可以由用戶在 1 到 60 分鐘之間以一分鐘為增量進(jìn)行調(diào)整。但是,不能保證采樣頻率,因?yàn)槿绻?Formaldmeter 未準(zhǔn)備好在指定時(shí)間采樣,采樣可能會(huì)延遲。

Mini ifB采樣裝置特點(diǎn):

  • 簡單集成到現(xiàn)有傳感器網(wǎng)絡(luò)
  • PLC控制系統(tǒng)
  • 獨(dú)立區(qū)域監(jiān)控
  • 潔凈室;包裝室和車間
  • 單點(diǎn)遠(yuǎn)程監(jiān)控

Mini ifB采樣裝置參數(shù):

電源供電:12v DC(可提供電源適配器)**可根據(jù)要求提供 30v DC
可選輸入 FSD:2.5ppm;5ppm、10ppm 或 100ppm
模擬輸出:0-2.5v;0-5v;0-10v;或 4–20mA
模擬分辨率:16 位(從零到 FSD 的 65536 步)


The PPM Technology mini interface board (m-ifB) comes complete with a built in Formaldemeter unit which is designed to connect to third party systems. The interface board can be configured to give different voltage outputs; a 4–20mA current output and also give a relay alarm output. Various modes of operation are available to suit a whole array of uses, applications and situations.
There is a configuration menu available to allow the user to choose output type, operation mode, select output tests, sampling range and also calibrate the Formaldemeter. The menu also allows for the incorporated voltage-less relay to be triggered at various concentrations so that external equipment can be controlled.

Typical Uses:

  • Simple integration into exisiting sensor networks
  • PLC control systems
  • Stand–alone area monitoring
  • Cleanrooms; Packing rooms & Workshops
  • Single-point remote monitoring

The Mini interface board (ifB) comes complete with a Formaldemeter htV, and is fully calibrated and ready to use. Simply connect your external outputs up to the mini ifB and switch on.

The mini ifB can be used in one of three sampling modes, depending on what best suits your needs. These are:

? Polled mode
In this mode samples are only taken when a valid pulse is detected on the sample input line. If the instrument has not cleared sufficiently to sample at this point then the sample will be delayed — as soon as the instrument is ready then a sample will be taken. This is ideal for use with PLC or other controller based systems as the sampling rate is controlled by the input lines and the current status is available as logic levels on the output lines.

? Continuous mode
This mode does not require any external trigger for sampling. Samples are taken as often as possible by the Formaldemeter. The sampling duration would be dependant on sample concentration (higher concentration samples will take longer to clear and will delay the next sample). This mode is easy to setup and is ideal for applications where no controller based systems are available and the sampling frequency can vary.

? Timed mode
This mode does not require an external trigger but unlike the previous continuous mode it uses an internal timer to trigger samples at a set frequency. This can be adjusted by the user between 1 and 60 minutes in increments of a single minute. However, the sampling frequency is not guaranteed as samples may be delayed if the Formaldmeter is not ready to sample at the designated time.

Instrument Specifications:
Mains Powered:12v DC (Mains adaptor available) up to 30v DC possible on request
Input Concentration:0-30°C, 15-90%RH, 0–10ppm (1ppb resolution)
Selectable Input FSD:2.5ppm; 5ppm, 10ppm or 100ppm
Analogue Outputs:0–2.5v; 0–5v; 0-10v; or 4–20mA
Analogue Resolution:16–bits (65536 steps from zero to FSD)
Digital I/O:Sample, Data & Error
Alarm Relay:Rated at 0.5A@125VAC/2A@30VDC
Advanced Features:Simple administration menu to change settings; Analogue test patterns & calibration output cycle; Formaldmeter calibration routine; Backup of samples stored in non-volatile memory

公司名稱 河北恒儀電子科技有限公司
聯(lián)系賣家 馬經(jīng)理 (QQ:2044339890)
電話 㠖㠙㠗㠒-㠛㠔㠘㠓㠗㠓㠚
手機(jī) 㠗㠙㠙㠙㠙㠖㠒㠒㠖㠔㠘
地址 河北省保定市