The Model 8000 Modular Controller is a cost effective solution that meets your laboratory, production, and quality control applications. A flexible system design guarantees that the Model 8000 accommodate future modules making this controller the most complete instrument for laser diode control, characterization, and testing far into the future.
This unit can only be used in the 9008 mainframe.
? TEC Output Power: 40 W
? TEC Output Current: 5 A
?Complete System Controller for 8 or 16 Channel Applications
?EDFA Pumping or DWDM Signal Sources
?Outputs Configured for Either Floating or Common Anode Type LD Package Styles
?IEEE-488 (GPIB) and RS-232C Interfaces
The Models 8008, 8016, 9008 and 9016 Modular Controllers expand on Newport's modular laser diode controller concept to meet the higher channel densities found in Dense WDM (DWDM) applications and 2-D VCSEL arrays where all the lasers have similar electrical configurations. The eight or sixteen bays accept an array of LDD, TEC, and LDD/TEC combo modules.

LDC-3908 8 通道模塊化主機具有與我們廣受好評的 LDC-3916 16 通道模塊化主機相同。事實上,模塊在兩個儀器之間均可互換。LDC-3908 尺寸較小且重量較輕,因而成為通道計數較小的應用(例如 EDFA 和拉曼放大器的研發(fā)或生產測試)的儀器。
8 個立的隔離通道,用于多重激光和 TE 控制
種類豐富的激光控制器模塊,每個通道高達 3A
雙通道激光電流或 TE 控制模塊,用于控制多達 32 個激光二管
GPIB/IEEE-488 或 RS-232 遠程控制接口

LDC-3916 的所有 TEC 控制模塊均包括電壓測量功能,并支持內部熱敏電阻電流選擇,可通過前面板或遠程地控制較大的溫度范圍。
通過將模塊化與高通道密度相結合,LDC-3916 可輕松適配各類應用。該系統(tǒng)可用于在放大器測試或低通道數老化應用中控制多個泵浦激光器。LDC-3916 可與 ILX 的 LDM-4616 16 通道激光二管夾具結合使用,構成經濟實惠的 DWDM 光源測試組。對于皮米級波長調諧,應選擇具有 0.01°C 溫度設定值分辨率的 LDC-3916371 模塊。

? Multiple beam, individually addressed laser diodes
? Multiple laser diode pumped fiber amplifiers
? 2-D vertical cavity surface emitting laser diode arrays