RTM 2200 Soil Gas :: Monitor for radon/thoron soil gas sampling
The new RTM 2200 Soil Gas is the ultimate tool for a quick, accurate and reliable in situ radon soil gas measurement (EN ISO 11665-11) by a single keystroke. The implemented sampling cycle covers the determination of the soil permeability as well as the chamber flushing with fresh air at the end of the measurement. A water inlet protection switches off the pump in case of accidentally sucking of ground water. The integrated GPS receiver makes the later mapping of sampling points easy.
The principle of real alpha spectroscopy over the entire measurement range makes the instrument the first choice for soil gas measurements.
The advantages in overview:
Fastest possible response and decay time; no delay times
No interference by thoron (Rn-220 – will be measured separately)
No long term contamination by Po-210 even at permanent measurements at high radon concentrations
The unit comes in a very robust and handy case for use in harsh environmental conditions. A signal light at the top of the case indicates the end of a measurement or warns in case of very low soil permeability.
The powerful software dVISION provides all functions for data management including the display of results in the integrated map (Google? based) as well as the export to CSV or KML files.
Of course all functions required for typical applications (long- and short-term measurements, searching for entry paths, radon in water or radon exhalation) are implemented in the RTM 2200.
Additional options:
TDR probe for simultaneous measurement of the soil moisture as another important parameter for the evaluation of the radon potential
Sensors for CO2 and CH4 integrated in the internal air loop
The instrument comes with a DAkkS compliant calibration certificate. The calibration process fulfills the requirements of the DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018.