主營產(chǎn)品: 金屬工藝品
店鋪主推品 熱銷潛力款

Why are the Buddha's eyes mostly half-closed? When you meditate, you need to close your eyes to avoid being disturbed by your surroundings. But completely closed eyes and easy to make meditation drowsy. Thus there is this method of half-closing the eyes, which helps the practitioner not to fall asleep. When the eyes are half closed, they let in light to keep them awake, while not seeing things clearly to avoid disturbing them. So the jade carving also adopted such a shape, symbolizing the Buddha, bodhisattva in a state of "zen".
How did the bronze Buddha statue come into being? What are the religious and cultural connotation? It also starts with the establishment of Buddhism. The founder of Buddhism was the prince of the Kapila Kingdom on the Indian mainland more than 2000 years ago. His surname was Jotamo and his name was Siddhartha. Because he is a Sakyamuni, people honor him as Sakyamuni, meaning "Saint of Sakyamuni". In the first few hundred years after Sakyamuni's death, Buddhism had not spread to all Asian countries, but at that time there were various Buddhist sects in India. Later, it was integrated into three main faction: Mahayana Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism and Tantric Buddhism.
Fake Method Editor
The first kind of new casting fraud, that is, according to the original picture, using wax loss method or sand dusting method to create images;
The second is to make two pieces of fragments into a complete Buddha statue.
The third is to repair the damaged Buddha statues to make them complete.
The fourth is to make inscription, engraving inscription on Buddha statues without inscription in order to raise the status of Buddha statues.
The fifth one is to add gold powder or paint on the surface of the Buddha statue which has fallen off from the gold to make it more expensive.