宏旭 收水井鋼模具 收水井鋼模具使用方法
宏旭 收水井鋼模具 收水井鋼模具使用方法
宏旭 收水井鋼模具 收水井鋼模具使用方法
宏旭 收水井鋼模具 收水井鋼模具使用方法
宏旭 收水井鋼模具 收水井鋼模具使用方法
宏旭 收水井鋼模具 收水井鋼模具使用方法






聯(lián)系人 王總


發(fā)貨地 河北省保定市


手機掃碼 快速查看


品牌 宏旭
模具材質 鋼模具
作用對象 混凝土
產地 保定
安裝方式 移動式
加工能力 每天
加工設備數(shù)量 8888


收水井鋼模具屬于常用的預制件模具,在生產過程中會根據檢查井的規(guī)格尺寸來選擇鋼板的厚度,如果檢查井的規(guī)格偏小,比如內徑為50公分或者70公分的井體,可以選用3mm的鋼板來生產,這樣做出來的模具產品輕巧便捷,質量也絕對沒問題。但是如果生產尺寸較大的檢查井,比如內徑為1。5米或者還大的井體就必須采用5mm的鋼板了,如果鋼板太薄的話就沒辦法保證質量了,所以鋼板厚度的選擇要看檢查井的規(guī)格大小。Our factory has unique opinions on the production of steel mould series for water collection well. Every time we have new samples developed by customers, we will update the pictures of our mould library and the pictures introduced on the website, so that customers can understand the variety of our products. Moreover, we have our own special logistics system in the aspect of delivery, so as to ensure that the goods are delivered to customers in the first time, so as to avoid delay in work We ensure the quality of our products and the reputation of our factory, so that every customer can improve their trust in our factory while making customized products. Only in this way can our customers rest assured. Mold in development, enterprise in progress, I believe that the future inspection well steel mold market is more superior and broader.

The steel mould for water collection well belongs to the commonly used prefabricated part mould. In the production process, the thickness of steel plate will be selected according to the specification and size of the inspection well. If the specification of the inspection well is too small, such as the well body with an inner diameter of 50 cm or 70 cm, the 3mm steel plate can be selected for production, so the mould product is light and convenient, and the quality is absolutely no problem. But if a larger inspection well is produced, for example, the inner diameter is 1. If the steel plate is too thin, there is no way to guarantee the quality, so the selection of steel plate thickness depends on the specification of inspection well.

公司名稱 河北宏旭模具制造有限公司
聯(lián)系賣家 王總
手機 莸莻莽莾莾莶莵莵莻莵莵
地址 河北省保定市