宏旭定制 水泥預(yù)制魚巢式護(hù)坡模具 魚巢式護(hù)坡模具
宏旭定制 水泥預(yù)制魚巢式護(hù)坡模具 魚巢式護(hù)坡模具
宏旭定制 水泥預(yù)制魚巢式護(hù)坡模具 魚巢式護(hù)坡模具
宏旭定制 水泥預(yù)制魚巢式護(hù)坡模具 魚巢式護(hù)坡模具
宏旭定制 水泥預(yù)制魚巢式護(hù)坡模具 魚巢式護(hù)坡模具
宏旭定制 水泥預(yù)制魚巢式護(hù)坡模具 魚巢式護(hù)坡模具
宏旭定制 水泥預(yù)制魚巢式護(hù)坡模具 魚巢式護(hù)坡模具






聯(lián)系人 王總


發(fā)貨地 河北省保定市


手機(jī)掃碼 快速查看


品牌 宏旭
加工能力 每天
加工設(shè)備數(shù)量 888
產(chǎn)地 保定
安裝方式 移動式
作用對象 混凝土
運(yùn)輸方式 物流

宏旭定制   水泥預(yù)制魚巢式護(hù)坡模具   魚巢式護(hù)坡模具

水泥預(yù)制魚巢式護(hù)坡模具   魚巢式護(hù)坡模具是一種樣式非常美觀并且使用效果很好的一種比較小型的鋼模具,該模具整體呈方形,在生產(chǎn)的過程中,需要現(xiàn)將該模具平鋪在河岸上,然后使用鋼筋進(jìn)行固定,之后澆筑混凝土漿料,等待漿料基本上凝固好之后將水泥預(yù)制魚巢式護(hù)坡模具   魚巢式護(hù)坡模具拆卸下來,完成整個生產(chǎn)工作。該模具是我廠訂單量還是比較大的一種,我廠生產(chǎn)出來的質(zhì)量整體堅(jiān)固,質(zhì)量效果很好,通過使用模具進(jìn)行護(hù)坡的生產(chǎn)工作,可以使整個生產(chǎn)工作非常的高效并且快捷。該模具采用優(yōu)質(zhì)的板材進(jìn)行生產(chǎn),生產(chǎn)出來的混凝土制塊脫模效果比較好,整體的韌性很強(qiáng),一般情況下不容易發(fā)生變形,能夠在工程中重復(fù)進(jìn)行使用,壽命非常的長。

水泥預(yù)制魚巢式護(hù)坡模具   魚巢式護(hù)坡模具樣式比較簡單,整體規(guī)格一般在六十厘米左右,比較小巧,形狀為方形,在銷售的時候一般都采用定制生產(chǎn)的方式。該模具在工程中用量比較大,所以為了保證其能夠順利的進(jìn)行生產(chǎn),我建議各位客戶應(yīng)該提前進(jìn)行訂購,從而使我們有更多的時間來準(zhǔn)備材料進(jìn)行生產(chǎn)。

Cement prefabricated fish nest slope protection mould Fish nest slope protection mold is a kind of small steel mold with beautiful style and good use effect. The whole mold is square. In the production process, it is necessary to lay the mold on the river bank, and then use steel bars to fix it. After pouring concrete slurry, the fish nest slope protection mold is prefabricated with cement after the slurry is basically solidified The fish nest slope protection mold was disassembled to complete the whole production work. The mold is a kind of large order in our factory. The quality produced by our factory is solid as a whole and the quality effect is very good. The whole production work can be very efficient and fast by using the mold for slope protection. The mold uses high-quality plate for production. The concrete block demoulding effect is good, and the overall toughness is very strong. Generally, it is not easy to deform. It can be used repeatedly in engineering, and its service life is very long.Cement prefabricated fish nest slope protection mold fish nest type slope protection mold style is relatively simple, the overall specification is about 60 cm, relatively small, the shape is square, in the sale time generally adopts the custom production way. The mold is used in a large amount of engineering, so in order to ensure the smooth production, I suggest that customers should order in advance, so that we have more time to prepare materials for production.

公司名稱 河北宏旭模具制造有限公司
聯(lián)系賣家 王總
手機(jī) 憩憤憥憭憭憦憧憧憤憧憧
地址 河北省保定市