宏旭定制 箱式生態(tài)景觀護坡模具 生態(tài)景觀護坡模具
宏旭定制 箱式生態(tài)景觀護坡模具 生態(tài)景觀護坡模具
宏旭定制 箱式生態(tài)景觀護坡模具 生態(tài)景觀護坡模具
宏旭定制 箱式生態(tài)景觀護坡模具 生態(tài)景觀護坡模具
宏旭定制 箱式生態(tài)景觀護坡模具 生態(tài)景觀護坡模具
宏旭定制 箱式生態(tài)景觀護坡模具 生態(tài)景觀護坡模具






聯(lián)系人 王總


發(fā)貨地 河北省保定市


手機掃碼 快速查看


品牌 宏旭
模具材質 鋼模具
作用對象 混凝土
產地 保定
運輸方式 物流
加工能力 每天
加工設備數量 88888

宏旭定制   箱式生態(tài)景觀護坡模具   生態(tài)景觀護坡模具

箱式生態(tài)景觀護坡模具   生態(tài)景觀護坡模具的介紹集中在目前使用火爆的平鋪式護坡模具與階梯式護坡模具,箱式生態(tài)景觀護坡模具   生態(tài)景觀護坡模具是這兩種模具的統(tǒng)稱,而使用這兩種模具較多的地區(qū)為湖北、湖南、安徽等地,由于這些地區(qū)水資源豐富,水域多,所以在水利工程建設、河道護坡上非常重視生態(tài)平衡性。箱式生態(tài)景觀護坡模具   生態(tài)景觀護坡模具的介紹主要是依據具體圖紙進行生產,生態(tài)景觀護坡模具尺寸為200*100*50厘米的,仿石花紋設置需要使用硬度比較大的材質進行專門的塑造,其他材質的使用多次后容易開裂。常規(guī)階梯式生態(tài)護坡模具的制造在一般小型廠家無法完成,單純鋼模板的重量就達到了600公斤以上,而每套模板需要保證使用600次以上,所以對于制作技術要求非常高。在階梯式護坡一起使用的里面還有平鋪式生態(tài)護坡。為什么稱之為階梯式呢?從實體鋪設的階梯式護坡預制件上可以看出,這種預制件是層層搭在一起的,呈現(xiàn)臺階的形式,

The introduction of box type ecological landscape slope protection mold focuses on the popular flat type slope protection mold and ladder type slope protection mold, box type ecological landscape slope protection mold Ecological landscape slope protection mold is the general name of these two molds. Hubei, Hunan, Anhui and other places use the two molds more. Because of the rich water resources and water area in these areas, ecological balance is attached great importance to in water conservancy project construction and river slope protection. Box type ecological landscape slope protection mold ecological landscape slope protection mold is mainly produced according to the specific drawings. The ecological landscape slope protection mold size is 200 * 100 * 50 cm, and the stone like pattern setting needs to use the material with higher hardness for special molding, and other materials are easy to crack after being used for many times. The manufacturing of conventional ladder ecological slope protection mold cannot be completed by ordinary small manufacturers. The weight of steel formwork alone is more than 600 kg, and each set of formwork needs to be used more than 600 times, so the technical requirements for production are very high. In addition to the ladder type slope protection, there is also a tiled ecological slope protection. Why is it called stepped? It can be seen from the prefabricated parts of stepped revetment laid by the entity that the prefabricated parts are stacked layer by layer, presenting the form of steps,

公司名稱 河北宏旭模具制造有限公司
聯(lián)系賣家 王總
手機 钳钼钵钶钶钻钺钺钼钺钺
地址 河北省保定市