店鋪主推品 熱銷潛力款


如何正確使用雨刮器? (1)擦拭器必須有水擦拭器。 “刀刃”非常脆弱。如果玻璃上有東西被污染,很容易損壞擦拭器,水可以清潔和潤滑,可以保護擦拭器和玻璃。同時,它可以使玻璃更清潔。 (2)及時清理附件。如果發(fā)現(xiàn)粘合帶被弄臟,應(yīng)及時清潔。用濕布擦拭擦拭器“刀口”并保持“刀刃”清潔。如果在玻璃上發(fā)現(xiàn)鳥糞等污垢,應(yīng)立即清洗。雖然玻璃不會被腐蝕,但刮水片會被這些污垢損壞。 (3)當車輛長時間不使用時,請安裝雨刮器并安裝雨刮器,以防止灰塵粘附在條帶和玻璃之間。再次使用時,不會將灰塵等與玻璃水混合,也不會損壞玻璃和條帶。

One way to replace the wiper blade (U-hook): To remove the wiper of the original factory, first set the wiper up two steps: hold down the clip below and remove three steps: remove the wiper of the original car from one side, but Be careful, don“t let the rocker arm come back and smash the front windshield by four steps: turn the front end of the middle clamp up, it is easy to install five steps: after inserting the middle clamp, tighten! When you heard the slamming, you got into the six steps: the driver“s seat and the passenger“s seat of some models have different wiper sizes. They are usually the length of the driver“s seat. The passenger seat is short. Don“t pretend that it is the same size. It doesn“t matter if it“s seven steps: install the passenger“s seat wiper, look at the direction, tighten it, and hear a slamxx